Heracross - Pokemon Close Combat (2025)

Heracross - Pokemon Close Combat (1)

Pokemon Close Combat Heracross

If you’re a fan of Pokémon and enjoy fighting games, the Pokémon Close Combat game featuring Heracross as a character is one you don’t want to miss. Heracross, a powerful Bug/Fighting-type Pokémon, excels in both aerial combat and endurance. In this post, we’ll explore how Heracross stands out in Close Combat with her unique playstyle, damage potential, and combat strategies.

Introduction to Heracross in Close Combat

Heracross is known for being a powerhouse of damage, excelling in both ground and aerial combat. While she favors a slower pace of play, her attacks have immense reach and power, making her a force to be reckoned with. Heracross can take flight whenever she pleases, allowing her to control the air effortlessly. This gives her an edge in vertical and horizontal control, making her a challenging opponent for anyone unfamiliar with her playstyle.

With devastating charge tackles and high-damage attacks, Heracross can break down her opponent’s defense with ease. Her offensive playstyle revolves around endurance damage rather than traditional high/low mix-ups. When an opponent tries to block, Heracross’s charge moves, like the Horn Flurry and Horn Charge, chip away at their endurance, creating opportunities for punishing attacks.

Heracross’s Playstyle: Charge and Burst

Heracross is a charge-based fighter, meaning many of her best moves require holding a direction (usually back or down) before being released. While this might feel slower or more technical than some other Pokémon, it’s what makes her so dangerous. Players who excel with Heracross know how to bide their time, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash a charged attack. Her slow pace is more than compensated by the sheer damage her charge moves can inflict.

Key features of Heracross’s playstyle include:

  • Flight: Heracross can flutter her wings to take flight. This adds an entirely new dimension to her combat, letting her dominate aerial battles with ease. Aerial attacks cancel out of flight, providing opportunities for surprise combos.
  • Endurance Damage: Heracross’s special moves deal significant endurance damage, which can lead to frequent guard breaks and leave the opponent vulnerable to follow-up attacks.
  • Anti-Air Options: Moves like Horn Turret give her powerful anti-air capabilities. This helps punish opponents who rely on jump-ins or aerial assaults.

Pros and Cons of Playing Heracross

Here’s a breakdown of Heracross’s strengths and weaknesses in Close Combat.


  • High Burst Damage: Heracross’s damage output is some of the best in the game, especially when her charge moves connect.
  • Endurance Breaking: Her moves apply constant pressure to the opponent’s endurance, often leading to guard breaks.
  • Flight Capabilities: Her ability to fly makes her stand out from many other fighters, providing a unique approach to both offense and defense.
  • Simple Combos: Despite her complex charge mechanics, Heracross has relatively simple combo routes that still deliver high damage.


  • Relies on Charging: Her best moves require charging, which can leave her vulnerable if mistimed or used improperly.
  • Slow Normals: Heracross’s basic attacks, or normals, are not particularly fast or far-reaching compared to other characters.
  • Requires Strong Defense: Heracross is reliant on whiff-punishing and good timing, meaning you need to have a solid understanding of neutral play and be able to capitalize on your opponent’s mistakes.

Combos and Special Moves

Heracross shines in close-quarters combat, and her moveset is full of options to dish out damage. Below are some key combos and special moves to master when playing Heracross:

1. Horn Flurry (5B):

This is one of Heracross’s core pressure tools. A series of horn jabs that deal massive endurance damage on block. Use this move to apply consistent pressure, forcing your opponent into a defensive position.

2. Horn Charge ([4]6B):

A charged dash punch that travels across the screen, allowing Heracross to cover a lot of ground quickly. It’s a fantastic space control move, especially effective against opponents who try to zone or keep their distance.

3. Horn Turret ([2]8B):

This is Heracross’s anti-air attack. It involves Heracross launching herself skyward horn-first. This move is great for punishing airborne opponents and can be followed up with aerial combos if executed correctly.

4. Beetle Dive (jB):

A fast, dive-bomb attack that sends Heracross crashing down toward the ground. This move is critical for Heracross’s aerial game, allowing her to pressure opponents from the air while maintaining her momentum.

5. Mega Horn Flip ([4]646B):

Heracross’s super move. It’s an unreactable half-screen grab that scoops the opponent, flies into the air, and slams them down for big damage. While it’s a rare combo ender, it’s best used to finish off a round or guarantee a kill.

Combos to Practice

  • Basic Jump-In Combo: j5A -> 4A4A -> [4]6B
  • Anti-Air Combo: 2A -> [2]8B
  • High Damage Combo: 5B -> [4]646B

These combos highlight Heracross’s strength in endurance breaking and raw damage potential. Mastering these combos will make you a formidable Heracross player in Close Combat.


Heracross is a unique and powerful character in Pokémon Close Combat, offering a playstyle that blends endurance-breaking charge moves with strong aerial capabilities. Her slow pace is offset by her devastating damage potential, making her a rewarding character for players who enjoy patient, calculated gameplay. Whether you’re looking to outlast your opponent or finish them with one well-timed charge attack, Heracross is a great pick for any player who enjoys charge-based fighters.

Heracross - Pokemon Close Combat (2025)


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